As a caring pet owner, you likely shower your pet with attention, buy them all the latest gear and playthings, and treat them to all their favorite foods. However, focusing on pet wellness is actually more important and essential to ensure long-term health. Understanding pet wellness means spending time and energy keeping them well, rather than reacting to illness or injury. At Carolina Virginia Animal Hospital, we believe that regular pet wellness visits are essential, and we want pet owners to understand their importance.
Understanding pet wellness
Wellness care, sometimes called preventive care, works to maintain health, prevent disease, and catch early warning illness signs. A pet wellness visit begins with a nose-to-tail physical exam at least once a year and possibly more often for older pets. During these visits, your veterinary team will evaluate your pet’s lifestyle, age, breed, and health status and needs, and form an individualized health plan that may include:
- Age-appropriate blood work
- Parasite testing
- Vaccinations
- Dental care
- Nutrition recommendations
- Behavioral counseling
Pets have different needs at different stages of life. Puppies and kittens, teenagers, adults, and senior pets all have different nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, and preventive care requirements. Starting your pet’s wellness visits early in life will help establish a health baseline that can help prevent future health complications. Regular pet wellness visits also can improve your pet’s overall health and help them live a longer and healthier life.
Benefits of pet wellness
Pets have an age-old self-preservation instinct and are masters at hiding any sign of disease or weakness. This instinct helped them survive in the wild, but now pet owners can have trouble knowing if they are unwell. Regular checkups and age-appropriate blood work can catch early disease signs before they are visibly apparent, and early disease detection allows us to treat and manage problems more effectively, which means less stress for you and your pet. Preventive care is much less expensive than the care needed for an emergency condition that requires veterinary attention.
The hallmarks of pet wellness
Healthy pets require good, balanced nutrition, adequate, regular exercise, and mental stimulation.
- Nutrition — At each life stage, your pet needs the appropriate combination of essential nutrients (i.e., protein, fats, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (i.e., vitamins and minerals). With so many brands and claims on the market, choosing the right pet food takes some skill, but your veterinarian is an expert and will recommend the right pet food for your pet, no matter their age and stage of development.
- Exercise — Sadly, more than 50% of the U.S. pet population is overweight, and pet obesity has a direct correlation to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Your pet’s annual wellness visit will include a weight check, and your veterinarian will discuss with you the amount and kind of exercise your pet needs to thrive. They may recommend daily walks, games like chasing a ball for your dog or laser pointer tag for your cat, swimming, or fun sports like flyball, lure coursing, or field trials.
- Mental and emotional health — Your pet’s mental and emotional health are significant contributors to pet wellness. Mentally healthy pets have been shown to live longer, and are less likely to be surrendered to animal shelters because of behavioral issues that stem from a lack of mental stimulation and training. At every life stage, your pet’s wellness exams will cover life-stage appropriate behaviors, socialization, environmental enrichment, safety, and the strength of your bond.
Regular veterinary exams help us understand your pet’s overall health. When we can get to know your pet through their years of regular wellness exams, we can make more informed decisions should they become ill.
Maintaining pet wellness is critical to your pet’s longevity and quality of life. At Carolina Virginia Animal Hospital, we want to help you prioritize your pet’s wellness. Call us for an appointment.
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